A most beautiful pussy!
coming soon: The Spy Who Came
Danni looks ready to crack some foreign embassy's safe and fly out the window with their formula for nipple cream. "I started enjoying my breasts when I started dancing," Danni told a SCORE editor. "That's when I first started seeing them as an asset. Up to that point, they were really just a burden. It wasn't until I started dancing that people would say to me "Your breasts are so beautiful." The very first place I started dancing was Sugars in Seattle. I had a double date planned with my best friend. She came home and told me she couldn't go because she was going to do a dancing contest. She and another friend went and won first and second place. They kept dancing and finally after a month they talked me into it. I made like 50 bucks in an hour and I couldn't believe it. I was making $3.45 at Orange Julius. To me, $50 was two days work and I made it in an hour. That's why I started!" But Danni's stripper life would take an unexpected turn!